Court orders for Permanent Rehabilitation Care Centre for ailing Elephant rescued in Mathura


Nishka Srinivas Veluvali

Published On: December 25, 2021 at 20:10 IST

The Bada Malhera Court in Chhatarpur Ordered for the permanent rehabilitation of Lakshmi, India’s skinniest elephant at the Wildlife SOS Elephant Conservation and Care Centre in Mathura in Uttar Pradesh.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and local activists had campaigned for three weeks intensively after which the Court Ordered for the rehabilitation centre.

Prior in the first week of December PETA had filed many complaints after which the Forest Department had registered a preliminary offence report under Section 42 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 opposing the illegal custodian of Lakshmi and making her beg and abusing her.

Upon finding out from the PETA India, the Animal Welfare Board of India and the Project Elephant division of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change Ordered the Forest Department to take instant action and measures to rehabilitate Lakshmi.

The Court had sent a directive to transport Lakshmi to ECCC on the willingness of Wildlife SOS to take care of her.

Every troubled animal has shown the signs of improvement after the proper care has been taken by the Forest Department of MP.

Lakshmi was diagnosed from chronic arthritis and joint deformities along with abscesses on her hips after being rescued from begging.

Lakshmi was found in agony and was debilitated as she was deprived from food and water for a long period of time.

Lakshmi was being taken interim care under PETA India during which the group’s veterinary team created a sandpit to relieve her from the arithritic pain and provided a pit of mud to help her sleep comfortably and set up bamboo which would help her to rest her head as well trunk comfortably.

Lakshmi is been given frequent baths and medicines to relieve her from the excruciating pain.

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