
Theme of submission
Article must be covering any
1. Trending Legal Topic
2. Legal Trend
3. Interpretation of recent Landmark Judgement
4. Interpretation of recent statute or bill
4. Investigative Article
Guidelines for submission
- Articles on topics of current Trends will be proffered.
- Law Insider Team reserves the right to reject or not to publish submissions.
- Font used in the article should be times new roman, font size should be 12, line spacing: 1.5, justified and the article should not exceed more than 500 to 2000 words (exclusive of endnotes).
- The submission must be an original work and should not have been published on any other platform.
- The reference link must be shared with the submission.
- Submission must contain endnotes, wherever required. All endnotes must be in the format as specified. [Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10, Line-Spacing: 1.0, Justified].
- 20th Edition of Bluebook should be followed for citation. Endnotes should be instructive and not merely cite a case or secondary source.
- The file must be in .doc/.docx format and the file size should not exceed 10 MB.
- Submissions with plagiarism percentage above 25 percent will be automatically rejected.
- The last page of the submission must include the following information: Name of the Author(s), Name of the Institution.
- Non-compliance with either of the guidelines mentioned above will result in immediate rejection of submission. No queries in this regard shall be entertained.
- The file name of the submission must be as follows: <name of the topic><author> for e.g. Topic is citizenship in India and name of the author is Aditya Sharma so file name will be “Citizenship in India- Aditya Sharma.docx”.
- Entries will be evaluated on clarity, including on syntax, grammar and spelling. Kindly check your submission through Grammarly(website for grammar check) before submitting their entry.
- There should be no personal views in your submission, try to cover more untouched topic or content on the subject you choose.