Khushi Doshi
Published on: April 16, 2022 at 21:11 IST
According to Chief Justice of India N V Ramana, the performance of the Justice Delivery System, like that of all other Organisations, must be measured in terms of effectiveness in achieving its goals, “which is timely Justice as contemplated by the Constitution.”
He went on to say that strengthening the subordinate Judiciary is an urgent need. The Chief Justice of India noted that in the Case of Telangana, the High Court’s strength has increased from 24 to 42.
“The most Crucial Issue affecting the Indian Judiciary, and particularly the subordinate Judiciary, is the Issue of Pendency. I understand that your functioning is adversely affected due to Lack of Infrastructure and large number of Judicial Vacancies. However, I assure you that I am giving my best to address these Issues on Priority,’’ he told Judicial Officers at a conference.
“The working strength has gone up from 12 to 29. After I assumed Office, so far, 17 fresh Appointments have been made,’’ he said.
He stated that he is working to establish Statutory Judicial Infrastructure at the National and State Levels, and that he will host a Joint Conference of Chief Justices and Chief Ministers near the end of April.
In his address to the Judicial Officers, he stated, “The greatest strength of the Indian judiciary is people’s faith in the Institution. ” It is your responsibility, as the Court of first instance, to ensure that the Litigants are satisfied.”
Also Read: Appointment of Judges in Indian Judicial System is Utmost ‘Democratic’: CJI Ramana