Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies announced the results of RGUKT Common Entrance Test (CET) today .
Candidates can check the entrance exam results here.

How to check results-
Enter 10 digit hall ticket number and then click on Submit button.
1) Open the official website of Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-AP – http://www.rgukt.in/ to check your RGUKT CET Result 2020.
2) On the homepage of the official website, you will find the RGUKT CET Result 2020 link. Click on the link.
3) Once you click on the link, it will redirect you to a new page where you need to enter your RGUKT CET 2020 hall ticket number.
4) Click on submit.
5) Your RGUKT CET 2020 Result will be displayed on the screen which you can download or print for further reference