Restaurant fined Rs 3,500 for not Serving Sambhar with Masala Dosa

Veg non veg restaurant Law Insider

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Published on: 16 July 2023 at 11:32 IST

According to reports, a customer placed an order for Masala Dosa at Namak Restaurant in Buxar, Bihar. Unfortunately, the restaurant only served the Dosa without including Sambhar. This displeased the customer, who decided to escalate the matter to a consumer court.

The court recognized the negative impact on the customer, Manish Gupta, in terms of mental, physical, and financial distress caused by the absence of Sambhar. As a result, the court imposed a fine of Rs 3,500 on the restaurant.

In an unusual incident, a restaurant in Bihar was fined Rs 3,500 by a consumer court for failing to serve sambar along with a special Masala Dosa, priced at Rs 140. The serving of sambar and chutney with dosas is commonly expected. According to reports, a customer named Manish Gupta celebrated his birthday on August 15, 2022, and decided to indulge in a masala dosa at Namak Restaurant in Buxar, Bihar.

To his disappointment, the restaurant only provided him with the dosa, without the accompanying sambar. This led him to file a complaint with the consumer court. The court acknowledged the mental, physical, and financial distress caused by the absence of sambar for the petitioner, Manish Gupta, and imposed a fine of Rs 3,500 on the restaurant. The restaurant has been given a 45-day deadline to pay the fine, and failure to comply will result in an 8% interest penalty on the fine amount.

After realizing that the sambar was missing, Manish expressed his disappointment and anger to the restaurant manager, seeking an explanation for the absence of the accompaniment. Shockingly, the restaurant owner responded with a sarcastic remark, asking if Manish wanted to purchase the entire restaurant for the price of Rs 140.

In response to this disrespectful behavior, Manish decided to take legal action. He sent a legal notice to the restaurant, demanding resolution. However, receiving no response from the owner, he proceeded to file a complaint with the District Consumer Commission.

Following a comprehensive 11-month investigation, a division bench comprising of Consumer Commission chairman Ved Prakash Singh and member Varun Kumar declared the restaurant guilty of wrongdoing. As a consequence, the court imposed a fine of Rs 3,500 on the restaurant, holding it responsible for the incident.

The imposed fine of Rs 3,500 was divided into two components by the court. Rs 1,500 was allocated for covering legal costs, while the remaining Rs 2,000 constituted the fundamental fine. The court emphasized that if the payment was not made within the specified timeframe, the restaurant would be liable to pay an additional 8% interest on the fine amount as a penalty.

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