Nishka Srinivas Veluvali –
Published On: December 17, 2021 at 18:30 IST
With regards to the Union Carbide Gas Leak Case, the Centre informed the Parliament that since 2004 there is no representative of the US based Dow Chemicals before the Bhopal District Court despite of several Summons.
Fertilizer and Chemicals Minister Mansukh Mandaviya, in his written response to the Lok Sabha, asserted that many summons have been issued for the damages in different Courts in India but not a single person has appeared before any of the Courts on behalf of the Dow Chemical’s till date.
In December 1984, an industrial disaster took place when Methyl Isocyanate, a harmful and toxic gas stored in 2 tanks of the Union Carbide India Ltd’s fertilizers and pesticides unit at Bhopal, was leaked in to the air resulting in several deaths and injuring lots of people. (What is the Statutory obligation of the State in providing compensation for victims of disasters and Covid-19?)
The Top Court noticing the number of human losses, passed an Order directing the US based company to compensate a total amount of $470 million,that the company had deposited by the company with the registrar of the Apex Court in 1989.
Following the Supreme Court’s order, the company started the actual reimbursement in 1992.
The Office of the Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal compensated Rs.1,549.33 crore in the 5,74,393 claimants who were the victims from the death, permanent disability, temporary disability, injury of utmost severity cases, minor injury, loss of property/PSU and loss of livestock by November 2021.
Also Read: Bhopal Tragedy Case