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Madhya Pradesh HC Requests Registrar General To file Complaint about Producing Fake Records

Madhya Pradesh high court Law InsiderMadhya Pradesh high court Law Insider

Tanya Gupta

Published on: March 15, 2022 at 21:44 IST

In the case of Atul Kumar Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh and Ors., the Madhya Pradesh High Court requested its Registrar General to file a Complaint regarding the False Statements made by the Petitioner and for producing Fake Medical Documents before the Court.

A Writ Petition was dealt by Justice Atul Sreedharan, wherein an Order passed by the Petitioner’s Employers was being Challenged, whereby, the Petitioner’s reinstatement of service was Rejected after being absent from 2003-2006.

The Petitioner submitted that he was away without Leave because he was a Heart Patient and was continuously getting Treatment from various Doctors.

The Petitioner in his Declaration has mentioned that this was his Third Petition before the Court, the Court noted.

The Court observed that the Petitioner has filed various Documents regarding his Alleged Illness, such as Prescriptions, Certificates but without the Doctor’s Signature.

One Specific Medical Record drew the Court’s attention which reflected that he was having Labour Pains 

While perusing the Documents relating to his Affliction this Court realised that the Petitioner maybe a person of Immense Interest to the Medical Community. At page 39, is an Admission Slip issued in the name of the Petitioner by the Samuhik Swasthya Kendra (place not mentioned) Dated 29/09/11, wherein it is written “C/O Amenorrhea 9-month Labour Pain start since Today Morning 5 A.M.”

In other words, the Petitioner, a male aged 33 years (as on 29/09/11) was Wheeled into the Labour Room with Labour Pains. Perhaps, yet another Case of the Messiah born therefrom.

The Court opined,

“In all probability, the Petitioner visited the Primary Health Centre and found the Admission Slip in question, discarded by the Doctor, without the Patients Name and Details, which was picked up by the Petitioner who entered his Name and date in space provided and used it as a Slip Issued to him in order to show that he is undergoing Treatment. He apparently was unable to Understand the Diagnosis requiring Admission into the Primary Health Centre which was written in English.”

The Petition was Dismissed and the Court requested the Registrar General to file a Complaint,

“Under the Circumstances, the Registrar General is Requested to Proceed in Accordance with Law and File a Complaint case before the Appropriate Court having Jurisdiction to try an Offence against the Petitioner for Offences under Sections 468, 471 and such other Provisions under the Indian Penal Code or any other Law in Force under which the Petitioner may be Prosecuted.”

Also Read: Madras HC Convicts TNUSRB for creating Fake Records & Blaming 2 Others