Sakina Tashrifwala
Published on: 28 November 2022 at 22:28 IST
For the purpose of resolving the conflict about allegedly defamatory marketing of Britannia Milk Bikis against Parle-G biscuits, the Delhi High Court has sent Parle Products Private Limited and Britannia Industries to its Mediation and Conciliation Center.
The two print advertisements for Britannia are not to be republished while the parties’ options for a settlement are being discussed, according to a directive from Justice Prathiba M. Singh.
The usage of phrases like “G-NAHI” and “Adhura poshan” in the two print adverts, according to the court, obviously refer to Parle-G biscuits.
The court stated, “This is further supported by the packaging comparisons made between the Defendant’s product and the Plaintiff’s Parle-G product in the contested video advertising. It should be recognised that the contested video commercial can be found on YouTube”
Britannia is eager to settle the dispute amicably, according to Justice Singh, thus the parties have been forwarded to the Delhi High Court Mediation and Conciliation Center. Senior Advocate J.P. Singh was chosen by the court to serve as the mediator.
According to Justice Singh’s order from November 22.
“The changes that need to be made to the contested online video commercial will also be discussed throughout the mediation process. In light of this, the parties shall engage in a thorough resolution mediation. Persons who are able to make decisions must participate in the mediation process, either in person or remotely “
Instructing the parties to report on the mediation’s results by December 14, the court stated that Britannia may submit its response to the application for an injunction by December 12 if the situation is not resolved.
In its lawsuit against Britannia, Parle is requesting a permanent injunction to stop what they claim to be defamatory and illegal “Britannia Milk Bikis” commercial marketing.
By “publicising unfavourable advertisement campaigns through television commercials, internet broadcasts as well as through Print media i.e. e-Paper and print Newspaper,” it was claimed that Britannia was degrading the well-known product sold under the mark Parle-G.
Parle claimed to the court that the Parle-G biscuits “provide adhoora poshan and are sadharan biscuits” in the contested commercials, which have been designed to cast a negative image on the company’s product.
Britannia informed the court that the two print adverts and the video advertisement were both recently published. The defendant further informed the court that it is prepared to look into peaceful resolution of the