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Chief Justice of Allahabad HC Expresses Concern Over Delayed Justice

Anurupa Pal

Published On: March 14,2022 at 18:28 IST

Rajesh Bindal, The Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court said that Delayed Justice is Meaningless.

To Stress about the Point, he narrated an Incident in which a man refused to take Compensation 25 Years after the Death of His Son in a Road Accident and asked the Court to keep the Money instead.

The Chief Justice Stressed on the Fact that Maximum number of Cases should be settled through Arbitration as The Supreme Court of India said.

“Small disputes in villages are Resolved through Mutual Mediation. The System of Panchayat Justice is very strong”

The Chief Justice also said that whatever Relief can be given to Litigants should be given.

He also advised that Judges and Advocates play the Role of Mediators in Court Cases.


The Senior Citizen Uma Shankar Sharma said, “It has been seen many times that a Case which has been going on for more than a Decade has been resolved through Mutual Mediation by Local Dignitaries. It has also happened that a Plaintiff died while waiting for the Court’s Decision and his children then appeared in the Case for Decades. If there was a Mutual Settlement while the Plaintiff was alive, then his children would not have had to go to the Court. Therefore, in every situation, the Medium of Mediation should be adopted first, then the Court route should be taken.”

Senior Advocate Majid Qureshi added “If there is a difference in Social or Economic Status of Two Parties then the Practice of dragging the weak party to the Court on the Basis of money and influence has increased a lot these days. Even those appointed as Arbitrators give decisions in Favour of the influential person due to which the poor do not get Justice”.

Also Read: Justice Rajesh Bindal becomes Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court