Sushree Mohanty
The Bhutan police arrested its senior-most judge of the Supreme Court, Kuenlay Tshering, alongside the Associate Judge (drangpon) of the Pemagatshel dzongkhag administration body, Yeshey Dorji.
As per a report in the public newspaper called Kuensel, the two high position holding individuals were detained following the arrest of a former Royal Body Guard commandant, Brigadier Thinley Tobgye.
Brigadier Thinley Tobgye is accused of criminal conspiracy against the Royal Bhutan Army’s Chief Operating Officer.
The supposed criminal conspiracy case was exposed to the public after a lady who was detained a couple of months back uncovered insights concerning the conspiratorial relationship.
According to sources, the three individuals purportedly wanted to hold the position of Royal Bhutan Army’s Chief Operation Official, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General or Registrar General for the Supreme Court among themselves.
As per the rules laid down in the Bhutan Penal Code, a litigant will be considered guilty of the offence of criminal conspiracy and to commit an offence if more than one individual consents to participate in an act that establishes it as a criminal offence.
The case was then moved to the Thimphu District Court under the directions of The Office of Attorney General (OAG).
According to certain sources, the one who uncovered subtleties of the planned conspiracy is the wife of the Pemagatshel Judge Yeshey Dorji.