SC observes World Yoga Day; CJI said it’s important in maintaining balanced lifestyle

Published on: June 21, 2024 23:34 IST

Today, Supreme Court of India celebrated International Yoga Day with a special yoga session at the Supreme Court Complex.

The session, supervised by expert yoga teachers from the Kaivalyadhama institute, marked the start of the event. Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud highlighted the significance of yoga, stating that International Yoga Day is not just for celebration and observance but underscores the role of yoga in maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

He noted that yoga integrates physical exercise and spirituality, emphasizing four key principles in his speech: ‘Siddhant’ (principles), ‘Samanvay’ (inclusion), ‘Sadbhavana’ (fraternity and compassion), and ‘Sashaktikaran’ (empowerment from the individual to global humanity).

CJI Chandrachud also spoke about the importance of humility in yogic practices and shared his personal experience as a vegan, advocating for respect towards all living creatures. Advocate Tejaswi Kumar Sharma, a specially-abled three-time international champion in yogic asanas, showcased an impressive performance. Additionally, a team from the All India Institute of Ayurveda performed a yoga fusion dance, combining rhythmic movements with yogic postures. Dr. Tanuja Nesari, Director of the institute, presented on the connection between Yoga and Ayurveda, stressing the importance of a holistic lifestyle.

The event concluded with a special cleanliness drive at the Supreme Court premises. CJI Chandrachud, other judges, officials, staff of the Registry, and members of the Executive Committee of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) and Supreme Court Advocates-on-Record Association (SCAORA) actively participated in the day’s activities.

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